
legal information

Data Provision

By accessing this Site, the user accepts and agrees to comply with the conditions set out in this legal Information and in the applicable laws set forth herein. Users who do not accept these terms without limitations or reservations are invited to leave the Site.

This Site and the content of all its pages, including, but not limited to, each element of text, graphics, logos, icons, images, software, as well as the presentation contained therein, are the property of JET SET S.r.l. The graphics and layout of this Site (the aesthetics and notion of the Site) are the exclusive property of JET SET S.r.l. and may not be used, copied, distributed or displayed in any way. All trademarks, logos or service marks, whether registered or not, are the property of JET SET S.r.l. This Site may contain proprietary notices and copyright information, subject to specific terms that must be followed.

JET SET S.r.l. grants the user a limited license to use this Site for their own personal use. Unless otherwise indicated, no right or license is granted, by implication or otherwise, to use, reproduce, transmit, perform, publish, license, modify, rewrite, create works deriving from it, transfer or sell any part of the content or information contained in this Site, including, by way of example but not limited to, any intellectual property right belonging to JET SET S.r.l. The limited license granted does not permit, without limitation: (a) any resale or commercial use of the page or content therein; (b) the collection and use of any product listings or descriptions; (c) making derivative use of the page and its contents; and (d) use of any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction methods. It is forbidden to use, adapt or use framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo or other proprietary information of JET SET S.r.l. (including the images found on this Site, the text or layout/design content of any page or form contained on a page) without the express written consent of JET SET S.r.l. It is also forbidden to use meta tags or other types of "hidden text" that use any JET SET S.r.l. name, brand or product name, without the express written consent of JET SET S.r.l.

No images on this page may be used without first seeking express permission by JET SET S.r.l. to obtain high resolution formats. To request authorization to use the intellectual property of JET SET S.r.l., send an email to JET SET S.r.l. reserves the right to refuse permission requests for any reason.

Any unauthorised use of this page will terminate the limited licence and/or rights granted herein. The unauthorized use of the intellectual property of JET SET S.r.l. is a violation of the applicable laws, including copyright laws, trademark laws (including "trade dress"), and communications laws and regulations. Any violation will be prosecuted in accordance with the law, also through criminal action, where admitted.


The information may undergo changes or updates without prior notice. JET SET S.r.l. can also make improvements and/or changes to the products and/or programs described in the information at any time and without notice.

JET SET S.r.l. is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on this Site and the use of such information is at the user's sole risk. The information contained on this Site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors and may be incomplete. JET SET reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order for any reason. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. JET SET S.r.l. apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.


JET SET S.r.l. has done everything in its power to ensure that the colours of the images on its Site are represented with the greatest possible fidelity. Nevertheless, JET SET S.r.l. cannot guarantee the faithful display of colours as users' monitors and other equipment may vary.


JET SET S.r.l. is in no way responsible for any other site that could be accessed through this Site. By accessing a website not owned by JET SET S.r.l., even if it contains the JET SET S.r.l. logo, it should be noted that it is independent from JET SET S.r.l., and that JET SET S.r.l. has no control over the contents of such site. In addition, a link to a third-party website does not mean that JET SET S.r.l. endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, privacy policies, security or use of such a website, and in no case JET SET S.r.l. may be liable for, including but not limited to, viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other malware.


This Legal Notice can be changed exclusively in writing. Should any of these terms be considered unlawful, void or unenforceable for any reason, such provision will be removed from these terms without affecting in any way the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.